Being multi-channel is one of the key features in today’s modern digital environment. Creating and maintaining an effective presence in those channels that offer direct contact and reach potential consumers becomes a critical challenge. Thus, it is important to plan for the potential channels to have unique brand recognition among your competitors. 

Mobile apps are one of those important channels that need to be addressed effectively and efficiently to focus on a targeted audience. Approximately 3.5 billion people use mobile phones worldwide, checking their phones about 100-150 times daily, which is insane. With such a high usage rate, your business can always present your services to your audiences with your own native mobile app.

There is a huge misconception that only large-scale businesses should invest in mobile apps, and if you are among those thinkers, this post will hopefully make you reconsider it. Nowadays, small to medium-sized businesses are shifting towards having their own mobile-friendly platforms.

If you’re still unsure about whether you should invest in building your own mobile apps or not, then read ahead and explore the top five reasons why your business needs a mobile app:

Increased visibility in front of your clients

A recent survey suggests that on average, a user spends approx. 2.55 hours on their smartphones daily. In fact, most users spend time switching between apps that suit their needs, let it be social or professional. Thus, having your own mobile app can give you an extra edge to showcase your services to your users on a direct basis. Your business can establish long-term relationships with your audience no matter where they are in the world. You can always stay connected. Furthermore, your customer won’t have to manually search for your website URL to gain access to your services or new offers, etc., because they’ll already have your native app installed on their smartphones.

Increased Sales

Your mobile app can help in boosting your sales. The results can be quite astounding based on your customer base and audience retention rate. You can notify users about new promotions, offers, features updates, and much more through push notifications. Another important aspect to look at is that your business can also send personalized messages based on user activity and interaction with the app. 

If you have an eCommerce business, you can offer simplified shopping solutions to the customers on your mobile app by providing multiple payment options. You can also reward your loyal customers through loyal customer memberships or point systems. All of these actions can help your business increase sales collectively.

Competitive Edge 

It’s not like all your competitors will have a mobile app for a small to medium-sized business. For example, if you provide services in digital marketing and search for “digital marketing app,” you may find the results on a broader level. Still, you will not find any prominent number of app results within your locality or city. 

So, localization is the key. You can have a huge competitive edge over your competitors if you invest in your own native mobile app. 

Marketing and Communication

Launching an app is a direct marketing tool and works as an effective communication channel where you can directly pitch and communicate with your customers based on your services. As a business, you can always send out important updates on a mobile app about your recently published content, news offers, or more. 

A series of poll questions, a short survey, direct feedback, and ratings can be gathered from users through the mobile app without redirecting them anywhere else. 

Nurture Customer Loyalty 

Another significant reason to have a mobile app is to build and sustain long-lasting customer loyalty. With all the other information around, such as digital ads, website banners, billboards, flyers, and magazine ads, businesses slowly lose their direct influence on customers because of the massive number of commercials and ads popping up everywhere. 

Thus, it is important to have one’s own mobile app to make a true and more direct connection with customers. Furthermore, it can work as an exceptional tool that could help you stay close to the customers. 

With all of this being said, to attract customers to install your mobile app, you need to have a well-designed, fully functional app. Thus, if you are looking to have your own mobile app development for your business, please contact us. We’d be happy to help you get started.

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Mobile app development services are becoming the standard for how businesses interact with customers. The accelerated speed at which technology develops and is integrated into the consumer marketplace means that our San Diego mobile app development team likes to keep an eye towards the future when developing an app for clients.

Here are some of the most recent mobile app development trends you can focus your attention on when choosing a mobile app development service.

5G Optimization

If your mobile app development plan isn’t focused on 5G now, it will need to be in the future. With a speed up to 100 times faster than 4G, this new mobile technology is going to change the scale of what mobile app development teams can do on a consumer scale, and that means that understanding the technology and being able to scope your projects to accommodate the new phones your customers are using is integral to successful custom mobile app development.

5G can assist with everything from more sophisticated security encryption to state of the art 3D mobile gaming. For now, most developers will want to optimize their apps for 5G while still making it accessible to people with older devices. But hypothetically, 5G really raises the ceiling on what can be accomplished in an app – especially with streaming – and lets developers really work the limits of hardware in ways they haven’t been able to until now.

IoT Compatibility

Mobile devices aren’t just about interacting with the internet. They’re increasingly focused on interacting with the real world – and as more and more common appliances are equipped with WiFi capabilities, mobile app development trends are heading towards apps that offer greater interactivity with what’s known as the “Internet of Things”.

That doesn’t mean that you need to pivot your mobile app to focus exclusively on interacting with household appliances but looking at the bigger picture can help you immeasurably. Consider the app you’re trying to develop, and carefully consider what interactions with other devices could help improve its data collection and overall functionality.

Beacon Technology

Beacon technology blends together the real world and the virtual world in much the same way that the Internet of Things does, offering users curated content depending on their GPS coordinates. Fundamentally, these beacons aren’t that complicated. They’re simply small Bluetooth transmitters that can send alerts to phones within a certain proximity.

But a simple solution can be incredibly versatile, especially when looking at apps that connect with brick and mortar storefronts. Beacons can provide shoppers with targeted ads and a more guided shopping experience, and business owners can receive important metrics on how people interact with their layouts. Beacon technology will likely be a major factor in the ability of apps to bridge the digital and real worlds. And since beacons require an app to be on a shopper’s phone to send a message, app development is critical to the functionality of beacon technology.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

VR and AR take that bridge one step further by literally superimposing a digital reality on top of the real world. They’re also increasingly becoming a popular choice for app development. Hit apps like Pokemon Go and Snapchat wouldn’t have found their audience without augmented reality, but it’s being used in more mundane ways as well. AR can help users see how appliances and furniture will look in their house, navigate more complex buildings where traditional GPS navigation isn’t feasible, and offer a paper-free alternative to menus through the use of AR codes.

If you’re interested in working with a San Diego mobile app development company who knows the trends, contact Odyssey Computing today!

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There are a lot of moving parts that come in to play when building a successful mobile app development. Everything from speed, usability, and more can effect the overall success of a mobile application, but it all starts with the most basic of components, mobile app architecture. Without a well built foundation, the rest doesn’t really matter. After all, you cannot build a house on a cracked foundation. In the most basic sense, mobile app architecture involves the underlying patterns and techniques developers use to shape a mobile app. Much like building a physical structure, mobile apps need to be framed and designed in such a way that all layers can work together for a solid and robust implementation. Below we will outline the three most important layers involved in building mobile app architecture. 

Navigation Layer

Navigation is just how it sounds. Much like the corridors and hallways that make up movement between rooms, this layer involves the processes that determine the flow between screens and functions within a mobile application. Here designers must decide how users will behave as they utilize the application. It is important to get this right, as a frictionless user experience is vital to app usability and overall satisfaction. You wouldn’t want to walk down a path only to find it leads nowhere. Designers must leave no function incomplete.  

Presentation/View Layer 

This is what we would call the aesthetics. The paint job if you will. This layer is composed of all the UI components that make up the front end (the viewable part of the app). Here designers must make decisions such as what type of text font to display, colors, branding, and more. While making it look good, they also need to take care not to over clutter the screen so as not to distract the user. Less is sometimes more. Presentation is important, as this is what the user will see and use to make an initial judgement about the app. Its all about the curb appeal, as they say. 

Services Layer

This third layer is what we would call the brains. The guts that power the lights. The services layer is comprised of all components involving data access, communication with the server, logic, storage, and more. It is the formulas that drive the overall operational capacity of the mobile application. Without a solid services layer, there is no engine to power the building.  

With thousands upon thousands of mobile apps hitting the app store every day, a thoughtfully designed mobile architecture is absolutely paramount. It is important that all three layers come together in seamless cohesion for a flawless implementation, otherwise, you are dead in the water. Keep this in mind, as you begin to embark on the exhilarating journey that is mobile app development.  

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Over the last few years, we have not only witnessed the mobile revolution, but the explosion of the mobile app marketplace.  In order to meet rising consumer hunger and demand for mobile apps, entrepreneurs,  mobile app developers and enterprises alike have been striving for the next big idea, often adopting a mobile first strategy for their startups.  The problem is, this strategy is not always the best approach.  Below we will outline a few of the biggest reasons an API first approach to mobile app development is the winning strategy.

Given mobile app development often requires rapid development across a variety of target mobile devices and operating systems, an API first approach actually makes the most sense as it ensures greater agility and flexibility.  By leveraging a strategic mix of mobile REST and JSON APIs, mobile application developers are freed from the stress of data storage and retrieving systems of record, while authentication and security policies can be implemented more seamlessly, thus accelerating innovation.  Suddenly your startup becomes device agnostic rather than device-centric.

In addition to a mobile first strategy, mobile startups generally will start with one mobile platform in order to test the market and gain invaluable feedback before developing for additional platforms.  This is highly advantageous, for a number of reasons, the problem simply arises when designing for one single use case (one mobile platform), with the mentality of worrying about the rest later.  Developing with an API first approach will actually make the process of expanding to a second or third platform easier, as the foundation is set for multiple platforms.

Another thing to keep in mind, you may wish to start with a mobile first strategy, but down the line it is likely that you may want to add web functionality in some way, just as say Instagram did, even if very basic.  All that being said, starting with a solid API which utilizes web services in the backend will make for a smooth transition from mobile apps to web.

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Every year Adobe conducts its annual Enterprise Mobile App Survey in order to gain insight into the current state of adoption and use of mobile apps by firms, in addition to any opportunities or challenges faced by those looking to leverage mobile applications as a competitive advantage.  Their most recent survey revealed, although not surprisingly, mobile app usage is on the rise, with 69% of enterprise departments utilizing anywhere between 2-5 mobile apps, on average.  Even better, 56% of those surveyed expect their investment in the space to increase over the coming year.

The survey also revealed some other interesting findings.  For example, most (61%) believe support applications to be the most immediate necessities over the next few years, followed by those centered around messaging and collaboration as a means of increased productivity and enhanced task performance.  All in all, these top two goals center around the same concept.  That is, connection.  First and foremost, facilitating real time connection between enterprise and customers through mobile apps.  And secondly, connectivity between internal employees to ensure access to all tools and information needed to be successful.  So, it would seem, those mobile apps and services which can best facilitate these kinds relationships will be the big winners in the next few years.

Another finding revealed the biggest driver behind rapid adoption and frankly, it’s not what you might expect.  For example, we might expect the sheer exponential benefits of modern technology to streamline the workplace to be the biggest catalyst behind adoption, but in actuality it is fear.  Fear of being left behind by competitors when it comes to modern technologies.  In fact, 60% of respondents clearly indicated their belief that any firm still lacking mobile app based resources are disadvantaged due to reduced efficiency.  The way they framed it is so telling.  It is not that having them increases efficiency (it does), but that they don’t want to miss out on increased performance.  I suppose, fear is an ultimate driver.

Regardless, the necessity is real and recognized.  Now is the time to harness the power of mobile app technologies to transform your enterprise, not just given obvious internal and external advantages, but even more as a means of competitive advantage.  If you haven’t already, work to modernize your strategies and execute on them before your major competitors do and ensure those new technologies are scalable in order to grow with you.

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